Saturday, May 4, 2013

Hey Brother Can You Spare A Quarter... Million??


This year I've been out of work three times as long as I've been working. Due to injury, not by choice. In that time I have accomplished some amazing things. I started writing with a voice people can relate to, my own! Who knew it was there all along. I've figured out how to live off of a pittance and survive in the most expensive city in the world. Finally I've realized what I want to do when I grow up.
i believe i can fly 

I can't say enough about how much I love where I work and how amazing it is to work with one of the greatest chefs on earth and one of my food idols. The reality of my situation this year was one that forced me to be alone with my greatest enemy and best friend. My mind. It’s a scary place to be sometimes. 

In this industry you are living someone else's dream or your own. The last few weeks of solitude led me to the conclusion that its possible to start following my own dream. The dream that way too many people share thanks to the food network and reality television, opening and running a successful restaurant. Which every time I say to myself my insidious mind almost immediately deems a fruitless endeavor that I could never accomplish. It tells me to stay where I am appreciated and loved for my performance and making a comfortable living. Who likes change? Who wants to leave a good thing for the great unknown? Who wants all the responsibility? Who's scared? Well to tell you the truth, this guy right here, that’s who!
dont be sceerrd
I've seen lots of restaurants come and go. Ones run by famous chefs, millionaires and celebrities. Who am I to take on such odds? There’s a 60% chance of failure and even more of one in NYC. What can I bring to the table that’s different and marketable? Lots of questions don’t you think? In this case no matter how silly this sounds to me is that I am the answer. It’s Me. I’m the IT factor in this case. My years of experience making everyone feel comfortable and happy at my tables. The way I turn the most difficult guest into a regular that smiles and is glad to see me. I want people to feel as I did when I was a kid waiting for my grandmother to serve dinner.
Grandma knows best.
I want to be my grandmother. Eek. That sounded better before I typed it. I can do this! Ok so I've conquered that voice in my head temporarily. With the help of loved ones and a well paid therapist. I know why people would come back to see me and eat my food when they have thousands of other choices in this city. Still I feel there’s something I'm missing here, some little itty bitty piece of the puzzle like the one my sister would steal so she could be the one who put that last piece in (wait scratch that, that was me). 

Ah ha!
The dough!
Next step figure out how to get $250K. How much you think I can get for a kidney these days? Well stay tuned folks I’m sure this is going to be a hell of a ride. 

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